Friday, September 5, 2014

rant about how shitty the new magic website is

seriously, this website is a joke. and it's even worse on the mobile.

To get to the articles this lame popup junk appears and if you don't have the mouse precision of a Korean Starcraft Pro you just feel like a fool. Everything takes 8 hours to load because they are all graphics and fiddly bitt'sed up. It's just gross. I'm not saying I want it the way it used to be. I just don't like this clickbaity garbage. Take a look at this screen shot.

That's all i see in my browser. There are 3 articles total that I can click on. Everything else involved me scrolling down below the fold. LAAAAAMMEEEEEE. I think they need to take a page from newspapers. Only use up your whole above the fold front page when something big happens, like say, abolishing the core set. For a random article about the development of wedges we don't need over half of the space.

end of rant.


  1. i haven't been reading SCG, CF, or the mothership at all since this spring.

    i feel like i am drifting away from the game since it is so clunky and expensive to play online (compared to hearthstone)

    pretty much the only content I consume anymore is LR and the occasional twitch stream.

  2. i hear you on that. i stopped reading the mothership entirely unless twitter links to it. it's all LR for me

  3. I don't think I"ve ever gone to the core mothership ever. All LR for me baby!
